Helping Ordinary People Quit The 9 to 5 And Find Freedom With Day Trading
The Day Trading Life
is where you decide not to settle for doing what everyone expects you to do. Go to college, get a job, get old, retire.
Do you want to settle for this kind or life, or learn a skill doing something that you enjoy?
Would you rather work hard for someone else, or for yourself?
This course will teach you how to get started trading futures, but without having to go it alone. Steve shows, how, with some learning and practice, using one or two simple strategies, you may be able to be among those who do very well in the “Laptop Lifestyle” of day trading. You will also learn how to keep more of your money by not having so many silly losses that could have easily been prevented if someone would have only told you what to do. Look, I had those silly losses, I know. I learned the hard way, but you don’t have to. You can start learning by using a computer simulator without using or losing any money at all. And when you do get started, the more you have to start with, the better, of course, but you can get started for as little as $100, though I recommend starting with $500 – $2500. And in Futures trading, there is no day trade rule, so you can trade as much as you want, though there are commissions per trade. I don’t want to make it sound easy, it’s not, but it is possible, and very profitable for those who learn. And with all the help from my course, you’ll be months ahead of where someone would be just learning it on their own. I’d love to help you with what I’ve learned – if you’d like.
Does this sound like it might be for you?
Who Is It For?
The course is aimed at anyone who wants to get started trading, but doesn't want to make a lot of beginner mistakes that can cost a lot of money. If you are someone who dreams of making it in the stock market, but are just getting started, this may be for you.

our teacher

Steve Wymore
Don't Learn Trading The Way I Did
Steve has a degree from college but that didn’t prove to be much help for making a living. He learned trading by making more mistakes than anyone should. Why not learn from someone who has been there and made the mistakes so you won’t have to make them all.

Learn When You Want
You may have a busy schedule. This video course is viewable through your computer so you can watch it whenever you want and wherever you may be, with just an internet connection.
The best place to learn. . .
is right where you are – as long as you have an Internet connection, you are good to go. And the right time to get started is when you want to make a change.

Helping Ordinary People Quit The 9 to 5 And Find Freedom With Day Trading.
Learn from someone who has been there
It’s time to make a decision.
Are you ready to create freedom or would you rather live an average life?
Join our course and start building the knowledge that will help you skip many of the big bumps.
Get Started Today
When would be better than today?

2020 Internet Trading Academy